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Coronavirus Information

We are in the business of serving people and amid this coronavirus outbreak, it’s important that we give you as much flexibility as possible when working with our firm.

During this time of concern, if you have a scheduled appointment or plan to meet with us, we want you to know that virtual meetings are available. Web meetings will enable us to connect, review your unique circumstances, and evaluate your needs, all from the comfort of your home or office, without delaying your planning objectives.

If you have any questions or need more information, contact our office at 505-830-0202.

Your safety and peace of mind is our priority. We wish you good health and peace of mind to you and your loved ones.

We have created an informational document that pulls together important information from the CDC web site and contains links to other resources. Please click here to download/view this document.

The image below, also from the CDC, offers 5 Facts about the disease to help stop the spread of rumors. Additional information is available online at